
UD mechanical variator


UD mechanical stepless variator

Product specifications:2~50
Transmission ratio:1.4~7
Input power: 0.12~7.5kW
Output torque:2.9~118.1N.m

Product Highlights

打勾icon.png The speed regulation accuracy is high, and the speed repeatability is 0.5-1 rpm. 

打勾icon.png It can run continuously in both directions. 

打勾icon.png The output gear ratio is continuously adjustable from 1:1.4 to 1:7 (except UDL002) with a gear ratio of 5.

打勾icon.png High operating efficiency and smooth squelch.

打勾icon.png It has good sealing performance and is adaptable to the use environment. 

打勾icon.png It can be flexibly combined with various reducers to solve various transmission shifting schemes.



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