
Human Resources

Autofast Technologies Co., Ltd. has more than 300 employees, and builds a high-quality, high-performance, high-spirited workforce to achieve the common growth of employees and enterprises. It is the eternal theme of China-based human resources management. The company is establishing an efficient and perfect talent system to create a more fair and equitable internal competition environment for employees, a broader career development space, and a superior growth platform.

Autofast Technologies Co., Ltd., a modern enterprise that takes responsibility and uses innovation, respects rules and self-achievement, is making unremitting efforts for the glorious mission of "forward-looking awareness to continuously promote optimization and innovation, and to create a harmonious enterprise respected by the electromechanical industry".

Now the internal staff enjoy unlimited, year-end awards, single breaks, paid annual leave, overtime pay, transportation, meal supplements, holiday gifts and other benefits. We will be more exciting because of your participation!

For more information, please call: +86 576 86837690

青阳县| 安达市| 阿拉善左旗| 印江| 仁布县| 嘉兴市| 合肥市| 东山县| 富阳市| 兰州市| 石台县| 加查县| 日土县| 布尔津县| 土默特右旗| 金沙县| 江山市| 江津市| 盐池县| 惠东县| 兰州市| 瓦房店市| 阿图什市| 蓬安县| 沅江市| 巴南区| 三都| 晋宁县| 长宁县| 和政县| 张家口市| 华宁县| 祁连县| 阜新| 灵璧县| 金秀| 诸城市| 梁山县| 观塘区| 牡丹江市| 京山县|